An Independent Non-Executive Director of Times China Holdings Limited. He is currently a senior partner of King & Wood Mallesons. His major areas of practice include securities, finance, investment, corporate, insolvency as well as foreign-related legal affairs. Mr. Jin has solid jurisprudence theory base and extensive legal practice experience. He has been adhering to work on major jobs in the past two decades, winning a higher reputation in the industry and among peers.
An Independent Non-Executive Director of Times China Holdings Limited. She is currently the partner of Shanghai Huanzhong Law Firm (上海市環中律師事務所) and a general manager of Guangzhou Shengshi Huixi Investment Management Co., Ltd.She graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law and holds a LL.B from Georgetown University, United States. She is a member of the Association of Registered Independent Directors, United Kingdom.
An Independent Non-Executive Director of Times China Holdings Limited. He was a non-executive director and the company secretary of QPL International Holdings Limited (stock code: 243), a company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
Mr. Wong obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in accountancy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a Master of Science degree in financial economics from the University of London. He is an associate member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.